Direct Mail Systems

Direct Mail Systems provides tailored, flexible and effective mailing house solutions to meet clients needs, and exceed their expectations.

Founded in 1974, Direct Mail Systems is a Bristol based fulfilment and mailing house, providing organisations access to a complete range of mailing and data processing services.

Direct Mail Systems expertise is in rapid response mail production. Our 12,000 sq ft mailing house facility has a huge range of printing, enclosing & wrapping equipment to accommodate all your mailing needs.

Trusted Since 1974

Direct Mail Systems provides a professional, cost-effective mail surveys and questionnaires service as part of direct mail campaigns that will exceed all expectations.   

What are Mail Surveys & Questionnaires? 

Mail surveys and questionnaires are physical documents to be filled out by the recipient and delivered via the postal service. Businesses and organisations are able to send their mail surveys and questionnaires to targeted audiences and request them to complete and return the surveys by mail. Most commonly, a prepaid, addressed return envelope is included within the initial send-out for the respondent to use, however, digital QR codes are more commonly being used to make the process simpler for the recipient. 

What We Offer

At Direct Mail Services, we offer a comprehensive and flexible approach to mail surveys and questionnaires. We can support your mail survey direct mail campaign from start to finish or for a particular stage in its journey. From printing and production, postage and deliverability, to data processing and returns management, we can help you create a robust direct mail campaign that successfully ensures the mailers reach the right recipients and effectively manages the returned data. 

  • Printing & Production
  • Data Processing 
  • Postage Costs
  • Fulfilment & Delivery
  • Data Capture
  • Returns Management 

The Benefits of Mail Surveys & Questionnaires

There are several benefits of sending out mail surveys and questionnaires, as part of your direct mail campaign. These include:

Collate Required Data

If you are sending out a mail survey or questionnaire it is most likely that you want to find out specific information or data from the recipients. Mail surveys and questionnaires are therefore a good way to target specific groups and gather the data you need. 

High Response Rate

Direct mail has been shown to hold better response rates than digital targeting methods, especially when it comes to mail surveys and questionnaires. Recipients often feel valued by the business or organisation when they receive direct mail, especially if it uses emotive copy that relates to them. For example, “Thank you for your recent order of X, we’d love to know what you think.” Including an incentive for the recipient to fill out the survey or questionnaire can also be a good way to increase response rates. 

Highly Targeted

Mail surveys and questionnaires can be highly targeted and sent to a very specific target group. Businesses can choose to target existing or prospective customers, depending on the objective of the campaign and can use key data and demographics to enhance their targeting further. Organisations can then target their messaging to the recipients which can lead to higher engagement rates.


Sending a physical survey or questionnaire provides the recipient with a tangible piece of marketing material which can make a much more meaningful and memorable impact than a digital alternative. Being able to hold and interact with something improves memory and therefore a mail survey can elicit higher response rates. It’s 

Target Prospective Customers

Targeting prospective customers with a mail survey or questionnaire can result in better engagement than a digital version. 


Respondents are less sceptical of mail surveys and questionnaires than online surveys.  Clicking on unknown links within an email inbox is not encouraged and is often not trusted, leading to low response rates. A physical survey sent to a respondent is therefore thought to be considered more trustworthy and respondents are more likely to participate and share their opinions and information.

How It Works

Once you know the objective of your survey or questionnaire, the questions you want to ask, the audience you want to target, and have your design ready, you’re ready to speak to a professional mailing house that specialises in mail surveys and questionnaires.

They will work closely with you to decide on printing and production options, as well as support you with postage, deliverability and most importantly, returns management and data processing if you are receiving physical replies.

Why Use DMS for Mail Surveys & Questionnaires?

At Direct Mail Systems, we are experts in mail surveys and questionnaires, supporting numerous businesses and organisations across multiple industries in their campaigns. We understand that every mail survey campaign is different and therefore work closely with our clients to find the right solution for them, always taking into account budgets and objectives. We are proudly flexible in our approach and have the capacity to work to high volumes with fast turnaround times. 

Next Steps? 

If you’re interested in sending a mail survey or questionnaire to your current or prospective customers or want to know more about what we have to offer get in touch. Our expert team will be happy to answer all of your questions and provide a free quote. 

Call us on 0117 934 1600 or contact us online by clicking here